Austin, TX is under severe weather advisories which may impact carrier deliveries. This is outside of our control.

With focus moving back to the m113, we are in need of some assistance testing m120 products and providing feedback.  Here is what we are looking for in a tester:

  • Someone who can test a part within 2-3 weeks
  • Already has an aftermarket ECU purchased and has sufficient money to get the engine operational
  • Has good communication skills and can communicate via phone and/or email about changes to be made and the pros/cons of the product being tested.

This is not an all or nothing testing opportunity.  We have multiple parts that need testing so if someone can test some products but not all, that is ok.  We just need to know up front if a proposed opportunity does not work due to a solution already in place.

If you are close to getting your m120 up and running or have an operational engine already looking to move to different solutions please reach out to and reference m120 tester in the subject.  We are only looking for 1-2 testers at this time.


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